Elizabeth & Structural Bodywork

In 1999, I received my first series of Structural Integration sessions; I was curious after reading a book by Dr. Ida Rolf. This was when I first learned I had “sit (aka sitz) bones and that I was actually supposed to sit on them! At that time, I had studied drama at Syracuse University for a year and loved all the embodiment training I received. But when I switched my major to Exercise Science, the learning was academic again. I loved my anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics classes, but longed for that kinesthetic learning! 

Still wanting to stay focusing on body, I worked in physical therapy for just under two years. But, the clinic just wasn’t for me. An advisor had suggested osteopathy back in college, but my curiosity led me to check out massage school first. And, I loved it! The experiential learning, re-connecting body & mind (though they have nevere been separate!), and personal discovery led me down a path I never could have imagined. Wanting to give that gift to others, I’ve stayed in the bodywork field ever since. I fell in love with Sensory Repatterning, Sports Massage, and Deep Tissue/Rhythmic Blends. (I also took some “detours” getting a Masters in Expressive Arts Therapy and studying Embodiment Coaching, but bodywork been a constant throughout.) And while structural integration was always one of the types of work I most enjoyed receiving, I never pursued studying it. 

 Twenty-three years later, wanting to reinvigorate my practice and longing for intellectual stimulation, I was excited to take a class with Thomas Myers (author of Anatomy Trains). I was even more delighted to find a teacher who comes from the Human Potential Movement (as my teachers did), is passionate about his work, excited to share, and living with such vitality. I wanted some of that! After nearly a decade filled with many challenges and quite a bit of personal loss, I’ve felt collapsed and have struggled to get out of that “feeling.” But, it was a bit of a conundrum, because my body was stuck in a collapsed pattern and couldn’t come out of it. Amazingly (or expectedly??) receiving this type of work again has helped me to shift, to come into more and more alignment. And, I feel more energy, more resourced, excited, motivated, and, also at ease. We finished Part 2 (of 3) of our training in the spring. As a student once again, I’ve been giving  3-session series of Structural Bodywork. I have a few more slots for you to also receive a series before more training begins this fall. I’m looking forward to sharing this profound work with you! 

Sincerely, Elizabeth 


Student of Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Program
Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
CACMT #35332


Sign up... For your Three-Series*

 *Book all three sessions when signing up.  Suggested frequency is approximately 1 session/week. Prices subject to change. Current promotional rate is $100 per session totaling $300 (a savings of $195). To be paid in full at first session (Zelle, Venmo, check, cash, card). Sessions must be complete by September 27, 2024. Limited space available.


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     Structural Bodywork Compared with Regular Massage

     Structural Bodywork