Anatomy Trains
Structural Bodywork 

The Anatomy Trains 3-series is an adventure into finding more alignment, balance, ease, and freedom in your body. It’s not about the perfect posture, but you will likely find yourself feeling taller and more expansive! We explore the structural relationships already existing in you--how your feet and legs support your upper body, how your torso allows for expansive breath, how your spine moves or doesn’t, and so on.  Structural bodywork uses myofascial techniques plus your movement to release bound tissues, restore glide between muscles, organs, and the fascia (connective tissues) that surrounds them all. Learn how Structural Bodywork is different from regular massage/bodywork. 


Three Series

In your first session, we focus on the lower body: from the feet up to the pelvis (and up to T12--where the legs really start!). We help you “find your ground” by balancing the pelvic girdle and the legs and find a sense of lift from below. 


  During the second session, we work together to open your breath, balance your rib cage and shoulders, and ease the relationship between your shoulders and your neck. 

In session three, we connect the upper and lower girdles by exploring the dance of the spine. We enhance balance and fluidity in movement from your sacrum up all the way up to your head. 


While each session has a general intention, your session will be designed specifically for you: your bends, your curves, your individual structure. These 3 sessions are integration sessions in the Anatomy Trains 12-series. Each will be approximately 90-mimutes. 


Read on...

Structural Bodywork Compared with Regular Massage

Elizabeth and Structural Bodywork

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Schedule your Three-Series*

*Book all three sessions when signing up.  Suggested frequency is approximately 1 session/week. Prices subject to change. Current promotional rate is $100 per session totaling $300 (a savings of $195). To be paid in full at first session (Zelle, Venmo, check, cash, card). Sessions must be complete by September 27, 2024. Limited space available.